亞億藝術空間將以當代藝術為主,我們將呈現藝術家們獨具的探索與思考。當藝術存在於我們的日常生活當中,將具有它實質的意義,而我們也將受到藝術的洗禮,藝術即是有著生命的、有溫度的、有情感的、有語言的,透過欣賞藝術來讓我們充分地享受生活。以亞洲為中心的觀點出發,帶領你進入來自世界各地的藝術饗宴,將藝術文化無限延伸,讓您與世界各地的藝術 零 距離的對談 ! 提供國內外喜歡藝術、欣賞藝術、收藏藝術的愛好者,一個全新的視野。
Asia Hundred Million Gallery(AHM Gallery) will focus on presenting the unique view points and findings of the contemporary artists.
When art presents itself in our everyday living, it then possess a living, emotional, linguistic qualities and practical meanings, and
therefore by appreciating art we are also more thoroughly enjoying our life.
AHM Gallery Departing from the center of Asia, we will take you to the journey of international art,
create and extend your dialogues with arts regardless the boundaries.
AHM Gallery will endeavor to provide art lovers, enthusiasts and art collectors a fresh new aspect..
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